General Progress:
1. Playing around with UI
2. Added job listing page
3. Understanding state management
4. Refactoring

Trying out my CSS and Tailwind skills into Godot.

The project name is just random name generator, unrelated to anything. WIll refine it in future.

Games such as Game Dev Tycoon and Software Inc. were an inspiration. Been following Software Inc. development since college, seeing its growth is inspiring.

As for the CSS/Tailwind, there’s a slight similarities, except that most of it have to be configured in UI itself.

Knowledge with frontend allow me to expect there’s going to be state management at some point, although not close to frontend tooling (Redux, Vuex etc), the Signal concept is pretty powerful for Godot.

Had a presentation few years back on Singleton. That proves to be beneficial in Godot as well.

The main file is getting huge, managed to reduce from 90+ lines to just 6 lines of code. Learning Signal/state management is good time to refactor the codes. The code is getting clearer and self-explanatory as well.